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About MyEnviroMapper

The MyEnviroMapper application provides an interactive Geographic Information System (GIS) functionality using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) spatial data and external GIS web services. MyEnviroMapper allows you to view spatial data for any city or ZIP code. It will create a detailed map for your window location which includes EPA regulated facilities, schools, places of worship, hospitals, streams, impaired streams, and impaired water bodies. You can manipulate and change the displayed map by zooming in, zooming out, identifying features, re-centering the map, and displaying a locator map. In addition, MyEnviroMapper provides detailed reports of EPA regulated facilities through the facilities displayed on the map or listed beneath it.

Enviromapper features

  1. Map Options - Options for viewing and displaying your map, include Zoom In/Out, Pan Map, Change Background, and a Locator Map.
  2. Tools - Click the Tools button to print the map, measure distances on the map or see images for the selected locations.
  3. Map Contents -Click the Add Data button in the tool bar to choose the map layers that will show landmarks, boundaries, etc. on the map along with the facility information selected
  4. Map Layers - Click the Map Layers button to see options for adding Envirofacts facilities to the map.
  5. Map Search - Find a location of interest via an address or by coordinates.


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